Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Now that I'm a mom several things in my life have changed.  As luck would have it, I went up four sizes after the birth of each of my children, I have three and I started off at a 1, you do the math!  Not only has my appearance been altered, but my thought process has changed as well.   Now these changes aren't all bad, but sometimes i must be convinced that they are good!

I remember as a child when kids would make fun of my mother, I would get pissed. How dare you talk about my mother, you don't know her! Then I would go home and tell her thinking she'd be ready to go to school with me so we could bang on these kids, but I was wrong. She was never bothered by it and that frustrated me even more. How could she not care about these people saying such harsh things? She always said: "Well you know it's not true so who cares what they say?"  Now that I'm a mom I could care less what some snotty nosed kids have to say about me, or anyone else for that matter!

I also remember being embarrassed by my mother. She was not a commercial mom by any means. She was eccentric and had dread locks when they were frowned upon. She wore weird clothes and dated foreigners. Oh why did my mom have to be so different? Well, now that I'm a mom, I can't wait until my kids are embarrassed by me! Sounds weird, but I'm just waiting for the moment my kids want to act cool around their friends, oh I'm going to lay it on thick, whatever IT is that embarrasses them!

I am not an aggressive person by any means. However, since I've become a mom, I believe I can take on an army if I had to in order to protect my children.

Patience is my middle name, and guess who is my kind of game! It's not all good though.  For example,  example, last night my youngest woke up at 1 a.m. screaming and hollering for about an hour.  To make matters worse, he was head butting me like crazy and pulling my hair out! Yeah,  I wanted to put him outside so someone else could take him.  So, now that I'm a mom, I sometimes want to give up my title!

I decided to ask my friends how becoming a mom has effected them and this is some of what I got:
-My size 9 clothes no longer fit!
-I worry
-I care about things like sugar content, movie ratings or whether the gym I want to attend  has a daycare.
-I'm slower to anger
-All decisions are first based on how it affects my family
-I take myself less seriously
-Something as small as a smile can make my day
-I look to befriend people with children...playdates

I can definitely relate to all of those. Do you have any stories about how you have changed now that you're a mom? Please share.


  1. Hey Holly,
    That was a great read!…Now that I am a Mother (of three as well) I have experienced a different kind of love. Don’t get me wrong I love my parents/family and friends however, after having children I experienced a totally different type of love. You know that love that you would give your life for and kill for all at the same time. Yea girl that love….that unconditional sacred powerful love. I love being a mother and although it can be stressful at times it is all worth and I wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in the world.
    Denise Forbes

  2. LOL... you are too funny...
    To Me my mom was the norm, she spoke with such vernacular, people would call the house and assume she was of a different race. She wore business suits and pumps. My mom taught me alot of about what a traditional mom should be and act like. My mom is a very classy lady.
    When i first discovered i was pregnant with my lil man, I was elated! And the first time at the doctor's office when i saw him wave at me, as if he were saying, "Im here." I cried. However that changed when i gave birth and this purple spider like thing was hoisted toward me, i said
    Overall, Motherhood has been hard, but it has shown me that i am stronger, tougher and more patient than i could ever imagine.
    My lil man can bring joy and pain. But I love him all the same and actually want more. Go Figure.
    Kids Rule, Drool and Cry. But so did I.

  3. I'm glad you guys enjoyed my post. The transition into can be exciting as well as intimidating. I plan on continuing to share my adventures with my children and how being a mom impacts my life. Hope you guys will continue to read my posts.


Your thoughts are always welcome