Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stay Broke to Stay Fly

So on my way to drop the kids off at school, an old song came on the radio and I immediately starting singing along.  Then I stopped when I realized what I was singing. "Gator boots, with a pimped out gucci suit, ain't got no job, but I stay shine, can't pay my rent, cause all my money's spent, but that's ok, cause I stay fly. got a qarter tank of gas, in my new e-class, but that's alright cause I'm gon' ride, got everything in my momma's name, but that's ok la la la la." WHAT? I can't believe I actually liked that song when I was in college!
I understand now when I hear how much music affects our youth because there are really people that live by these lyrics.  I know I'm not debt free, but I'm not out there buying the newest stuff to look good and barely keeping a roof over my head either! How can people become wealthy and properous when they are spending their paychecks, cash aid and what have you on flashy items just to fit in.  I mean seriously, you're pulling up to your mom's house in a brand new porsche to hide it from the repo man that's looking for you in the projects. I mean these songs are catchy and fun, but by no means should be your life guide!  There are very few people that are actually capable of having a lavish lifestyle, so act accordingly.
Having my children in the car definitely  gave me a new perspective in my values.  If you can afford to buy luxury items more power to you! However, by afford I don't mean just being able to purchase the item. That would be too easy! I mean paying all of your bills first, getting your groceries, having money set aside for a rainy day and then being able to purchase your luxury item outrite without disrupting your household flow.  If  you have to rob Peter to pay Paul, you can't afford it!
That hood rich stuff is not the business! I want my children to value wealth, not a false sense of wealth. I don't want them to think that having a Luis Vuitton shoes and a Mercedes Benz makes them wealthy. I want them to know that wealth does not reside in material things.  Sure we all like name brand items, but those items do not define out status in society.   So thanks, but no thanks cash money millionaires, or hot boys, or whatever you guys were called at that time, I need a retirement account or something more promising than your fly outfit or big body Benz.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! More ppl need to realize that "faking it til you make it" sounds good but is really stupid. Looking good is just that, "looking"! Feeling good and content is something completely different...


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