Saturday, February 27, 2010

No Justice, No Peace

A few weeks ago my friend at work mentioned a heart breaking story about a young man who murdered his 9 month old son and then killed hisself.  The reason, the mom wouldn't reconcile with him.  Sounds horrible right?  Here's where it gets really bad, the mom went to court ten days prior to this incident to get supervised visitations ordered because he started sending emails threatening to kill the child.  The judge basically called her a liar, said the information she provided was false and made up, and didn't let her get a word in edgewise. Seriously? I thought the court system was set up to be fair and unbiased. How could the judge not take this man's threats serious? Don't we investigate when someone makes a threat towards our country? Isn't that terrorism? Why couldn't the same precautions be taken in this instance? Now this woman's child is deceased and the judge hasn't apologized or anything. As a matter of fact, three days after the bodies were discovered, he filed to be re-elected as the county judge. Why aren't people talking about this? Thank goodness someone is running against him!

I enjoy talk radio, especially KFI and they were talking about this last night. I couldn't sleep thinking about the injustice of this incident.  Her son might have still been alive had the judge granted her wish to have his visitations supervised.  Below I have posted a link to the court transcripts. He was already against her before she said anything! Why was he so mad at her? Had they been in court before about this or what?  According to the DA running against him, he is known for letting violent and mentally unstable criminals go free only to repeat the crime and get sent back. Where are the people who had a passion for their work and truly upheld the justice system? Has everyone just gotten greedy and said screw these people give me my $360,000 a year paycheck. Oh yeah, that's what he's raking in annually. Thank you Arnold, you know, our governor, for hiring this guy. Here is the link to the court transcripts:

On another note, what is happening with our youth? Why do they seem so emotionally unstable? How they seem to get so devastated over break ups and bullies? Why are they so quick to resort to death? We break up, you move on to the next person, I move on, everyone lives happily ever after.  We really need to be careful who we consider as partners, and especially before we bring innocent lives into this crazy world. What is it that these children need to boost their self esteem? It's like their world ends because so and so doesn't like them. Who cares? Find better company to keep! I'm a mother and it's terrifying to know that my children might run across of these kinds of kids. Is it because us parents are too busy with our careers to spend quality time with them? Do they need therapists in school or what?  I haven't seen the movie the crazies yet, but it seems like that's where our society is headed.

Anyway, I just couldn't sleep last night. This tragic story bothered me so much! I'm sure there were a number of ways this could have been prevented, but to know that the judge could have granted one simple request that could have saved his life is absurd. In my opinion, that judge aid and abetted in that childs death!  There is no way that judge should be re-elected! People of San Bernadino, please don't vote for him, he does not have your best interest in mind!  Parents, lets pay attention to our children. It's up to us to build a solid foundation for them to grow from.

Unfortunately this blog doesn't reciprocate all the thoughts that were going through my mind last night, but you get my drft right?


  1. That was utterly disturbing! While I have never seen myself on the wring side of the law, I have witnessed several miguided and I'll-judged legal interactions where lives could have been spared. The most tragic part of this particular case is the judge's lack of responsibility in the matter. If course, he held no immediate part in the murder/suicide, but I truly believe doing nothing is sometimes far worse.

    Granted, no one is perfect, everyone makes and he had no way of truly knowing whether the threats were indeed viable. It is important for the culprit, albeit deceased, to shoulder responsibility -and he will, he must now answer to a power much greater than any judge- but I feel it is just as important for the judge to acknowledge his neglect. Who knows what a different ruling may have brought about, the same end result may have been reached had he granted her request, but at least proper justice would have been served.

  2. Wow! I appreciate you speaking on this, that's absolutely disgusting! She has proof in the form of emails and if the judge had suspisions about their validity he should have ruled on the side of caution and granted supervised visits until he could confirm it. He should not only be removed from his post, he should be brought up on charges!

    See, this is my problem with positions of power. People's lives are hanging on whether judges, police officers and teachers are having a bad day or have an issue with you personally. It's totally subjective and there's no one regulating them. It's their word against ours and it's only natural that people believe the subject in power over a regular Joe. I really wish I could contact this woman and encourage her not to let this go. Scream it from the roof tops until someone else in power takes notice and gives this man what he deserves! Ugh!


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