Thursday, June 13, 2013


Once again, I had a crazy dream. I honestly don't know what sparked it. Does a little mango at night bring out my crazy subconscious? Anyway, I think if it was developed properly, it would be an awesome movie.

On my way home, I stopped at a gas station and heard people talking about the governments recent plans. Initially, I didn't pay much attention.  When I approached the cashier, however, I noticed a sign that stated the government was closing in 18 days.  They would no longer provide medication, stores would have to close and, essentially, everyone was on their own.  The rich should be able to prosper, but the prospect for the poor looked grim.  I had safe living arrangements, but we had to be strict with our security.  We weren't rich or poor. I believe I lived in a compound of some sort where we grew our own food and even had a gas station.  Our cars worked for the moment, but we stayed on the lookout for those that didn't have.  Of course, you can imagine there was chaos outside our walls.  Death, robbing, and constant fighting.  Interestingly enough, the government never made a formal speech saying they were shutting down so people were just running amuck off of a rumor.

Do you think this could really happen one day? 

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