Monday, September 17, 2012


I'm sure if you're a parent, you can relate to this scenario:

It's hot as hell outside, but it's late at night and you've just showered.  Then you have the great debate, do I go to bed with pajamas, or do I sleep naked?  So you decided to half and half it, push the covers to the edge of the bed, blast the fan directly at your face and call it a night.  Only to be interrupted after what seems to only be about 2 minutes worth of sleep by a soft voice from down the hall sweetly calling out, "Mommy?"  Then you debate whether or not to answer the calling of your precious toddler.  If you ignore it, it might go away.  All of a sudden you hear their blankets rustling and feet hit the floor followed by a more urgent calling of, "Mommy!"  So you yell out, "Everything is ok. Go back to bed."  But its too late and they are already at the side of the bed.  Now you're dreading the inevitable skin to skin contact you are about to be faced with because your precious little toddler has now climbed in your bed and seems to be consuming every open space available between you and your spouse and you just want to melt from the heat.  Then you remember your partially nude, so you, again, debate whether or not to cover up or just let it hang?

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