Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Well yesterday I attempted to conquer the Culver City stairs, which is really the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, but that didn't quite work out.  First of all, I took the kids with me who were asleep on the way there.  What's wrong with that you ask?  The problem with that was that they didn't eat which would have had a chance to digest some of the food and avoid getting stomach cramps while on the stairs.  Yes, one of my children was crying out in pain and dry heaving when we were almost at the top of the stairs!  Anyway, we went on and hiked down and figured we'd give it another go the next day.

So today I had intentions of them eating an apple or banana during our morning drop off's before we head to the stairs, but they got donuts instead, not my doing.  We also had company with us, my sister.  I woke up with a sore right leg and knew the stairs was not going to happen today, I just stuck with the trail.  Mr. stomach ache though, decided to  go all out and take the stairs.  Thank goodness my sister, who's in great shape, was there to accompany him.  

Anyway, I feel great and I plan on continuing this pattern every morning while on vacation.  I wanted to go back to work with a different body and I'm sure I will be able to accomplish that if I keep working out  everyday.  Now when I return to work I don't know what's going to happen, but I won't worry about that for now.  I don't even know what my measurements are right now, or my weight, but as long as my clothes get looser I will know a difference is being made. 

P.S. Why must my body feel the need to replace every calorie that was burned during the workout?  Chili dogs sound mighty good right now!

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