Monday, September 27, 2010


Gosh I just love kfi am 640! On today's John and Ken show they talked about an inmate on death row who is up for execution.  Albert Brown is his name and he is next to be executed in California.  Apparently our last execution was in 2006.  Anyway, his time is up, however it's been delayed. Why you ask? Because, the judge decided he won't go through with it until Mr. Brown chooses his method of execution. What are his choices? Well, he can either be injected with the common 3 shot cocktail, or he can have one shot and be done.  Well of course he can't seem to decide so here are more delays and tax payer money. That's not the funny part though.  The funny part is the fact that he's pissed because some guy was supposed to be executed before him, but that got cancelled two hours before he was to be executed! So Mr. Brown wants to know what the heck happened to that guy because he is supposed to go first! He sounds like my kids arguing over who's going to take their bath first!  Hello, both of you guys have to do it! As far as I'm concerned, they can line them up side by side and surprise them with the injection choice! Either way, their  going to be knocked out first!

Ok next on my "I can't believe this" list is a mental hospital for those sex offenders who have done their time in prison, but are just too dangerous to be on the street.  Sounds good right? Well, these guys get a mall, cool, jobs, cool, and other amenities.  I hear they also get visitation rights from their families, and adult porn. Wait, WHAT?  Yes people, they get to have adult porn.  Isn't it also odd that when some get visitation from their minor children, a pedophile is also allowed in the room with them? Oh and therapy is optional.  You mean it isn't mandated for them to have therapy?  No! Why? Because their lawyers advise them not to.  Why would they do that? Because going to therapy would be an admission that you are in fact a sexual predator in which they would never be able to get you out! My jaw is on the fucking floor! Anywho, you can read about this on the link in the next post because I could figure out how to put it in this one! lol 

Your welcome and good night!

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