Thursday, March 11, 2010


The other day my children were having one of their priceless conversations.  This one left me unsettled therefore I decided to blog about it.  Here is how the conversation went:

son- "I'm African American"
daughter- "You're not African"
son-"I'm African American"
daughter- "YOU'RE NOT AFRICAN!"
son- "Mommy aren't I an African American?"
me- "Yes son."
daughter- "Well your skin is black."
son- "My skin isn't black, it's brown. Right mommy?"
me- "Yes, your skin is beautiful brown."
daughter- "Well my skin is lighter and that makes me better."

What?! Is she serious? Who told her this nonesnse? I try my hardest to teach my children that beauty comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors.  It kills me to know that someone is undermining my work and that my children are taking their word for gold!  Why is it that they question everything I say, yet this third grader who they tell me can't spell, knows everything?
This topic appears to stay on repeat in my household. To be quite honest, I am getting tired of it! Around the age of four, my son and my niece started talking about different skin tones, mind you these two are a bit more chocolately than other members of our family. Anywho, fastforward a bit, my son starts to dislike his complexion. Totally not cool.  How come I'm the only person fighting for my sons well being? I don't ever want any of my children to feel like they are less deserving of anything because of their skin tone. Oh yes, my fellow light brights have issues as well. I've had my share of "oh you think you're better than me because you're light skinned' situations. Puh-lease! We are who we are. We do not chose to look the way we do, unless of course you get plastic surgery. People, love the skin you're in.


  1. I love the usage of the word chocolately...good placement..oh and as for the skin issues, they are merely children seeking knowledge. The world cant undo your work, worry not..

  2. mayne sparks that reminds me of something im dealing with my daughter about except it was about weight. I dont know whats wrong with these kids nowadays.


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